
Power Simulations for Research Projects:

Code from Research Projects:

Code from Coding Competitions


Journal Articles

Asterisks mark shared co-authorships.

Said, N.*, Frauhammer, L. T.*, & Huff, M. (2023). Consensus Messaging in Climate Change Communication: Metacognition as Moderator Variable in the Gateway Belief Model. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 102128.

Frauhammer, L. T., & Neubaum, G. (2023). Metacognitive effects of attitudinal (in)congruence on social media: relating processing fluency, subjective knowledge, and political participation. Frontiers in Psychology, 14.

Said, N.*, Frauhammer, L. T.*, & Huff, M. (2022). Pre-registered replication of the gateway belief model–Results from a representative German sample. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 101910.

Conference Contributions
Frauhammer, L. T., Iffländer Rodriguez, M., Cargnino, M., Neubaum, G., & Dienlin, T. (2024). Die Auswirkungen technologischer Affordanzen auf die politische Meinungsäußerung in sozialen Medien: Ein Feldexperiment. Oral Presentation at the Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung in der DGPuK, Fribourg, Switzerland.

Frauhammer, L. T. (2023). Investigating the Role of Knowledge-Related Metacognition in Informal Learning Processes on Social Media. Oral Presentation at the Doctoral Consortium of the 13th Conference of the Media Psychology Division (DGPs), Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

Frauhammer, L. T., & Neubaum, G. (2023). Effects of Subjective Climate Change Knowledge on Pro-Environmental Behavior and Information Selection. Oral Presentation at the 13th Conference of the Media Psychology Division (DGPs), Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

Frauhammer, L. T., Said, N., & Huff, M. (2023). Pre-registered replication of the gateway belief model using a representative German sample. Oral Presentation at the International Conference of Environmental Psychology, Aarhus, Denmark.

Frauhammer, L. T. & Neubaum, G. (2023). Investigating the Link between Attitudinal Congruence on Social Media and Political Participation: A Metacognitive Approach. Oral Presentation at the 73rd Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Canada.

Frauhammer, L. T. & Neubaum, G. (2023). Metacognitive effects of attitudinal (in)congruence on social media: Relating processing fluency, subjective knowledge, and political participation. Poster at the Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog:innen 2023, Trier, Germany.

Frauhammer, L. T. & Neubaum, G. (2023). Einstellungskongruenz auf sozialen Medien und ihre Wirkung auf subjektives Wissen und politische Partizipation: Ein metakognitiver Ansatz. Oral Presentation at the Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung in der DGPuK 2023, Augsburg, Germany.