About me

Hello! My name is Luna Frauhammer and I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Cognitive Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. My research is located at the intersection between psychology and computer science. My main research focus are metacogntive effects of media usage.

I studied Psychology at the University of Tübingen, and had a strong focus on statistics and psychomterics. I am also very interested in Computer Science, and attended many related courses. In my current position as research associate, I work on many data-intensive projects in which I am responsible for retrieving, cleaning, and analyzing the data. I also work as volunteer data scientist at Data Science for Social Good (DSSG Berlin) and competed in some Coding Competitions.

On this website, you can find some supplementary materials for my research (mainly power-simulations, for all code / data / materials please visit my OSF page), as well as some examplary code I wrote for research and leisure projects.

Example Projects

Power Simulations for Research Projects:

Code from Research Projects:

Code from Coding Competitions